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Cancelled for fat shaming

July 19, 20243 min read

A coach within the industry this week has effectively been cancelled (like Instagram page reported so many times it got taken down ☠️☠️☠️) because it has come to light how absolutely DISGUSTINGLY him and his team treat their clients

We’re talking extremely low calories

An approach of “one strike and you’re out” if you “cheat” your diet

Not supporting people with injuries or health conditions

Calling people childish for eating an Easter egg

And both fat and fit shaming in their group chat

It makes me sick to my stomach that there are coaches who think this is acceptable

Because fat loss shouldn’t be like this

Coaching shouldn’t be like this

That’s why we do things differently over here

I am passionate about showing you how you can do fat loss without ruining your life and how you can have a healthy relationship with your body and exercise without resorting to extreme measures

Plus how you can maintain all of it on the flip side 

Take my client A 💘

In the last 10 weeks she has dropped 5kg

Increased all the lifts on her training plan

Says she feels the best in her body that she has for years

She has achieved all of this with a moderate calorie deficit, a slight increase to cardio, manipulating the foods she already enjoys to fit them into her day’s targets and has managed to enjoy Domino’s, meals out and time with her family all without feeling compromised or like she’s “on a diet”

We’re now about to start a maintenance phase where she learns the next steps to maintaining her results, moving away from tracking AAAAND nailing her body weight pull ups..

Sure I could have  put her on 800 calories to be able to say she lost 10kg

But why would I when she’d be suffering super low energy, would hate her training sessions, wouldn’t be able to show up properly for her family aaaand would pretty much immediately rebound the minute she got to eat “normal” food again?!

You don’t have to have fat loss goals to work with me

You don’t even have to love the gym

I want to work with you because you are fed up of the confusion in the fitness world

You’re sick of fad diets, meal replacement shakes + dodgy coaches giving you terrible information

And because you know that the only way to see results is by putting the work in but you also don’t want to be treated like you have no job, family, responsibilities or damn it, a life you want to enjoy

We do person-centred coaching here

We work with every little nuance of your life

And will adapt to ensure that you get the results you want

You will never be shamed for making a decision like eating an easter egg (oh my god did you see M&S are bringing back their version of mini eggs all year round? Yes, really) or for hitting pause on your fat loss to celebrate your best friend’s wedding

I can show you how to get the best of both worlds

All it takes is a little click here

Have a lovely weekend

Harriet x

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