I got told off by my hairdresser yesterday (she’s my auntie so it was delivered with a cup of tea which was grand)
But I’d put off having my hair cut for 8 months
The split ends were tragic
I needed more off than I wanted
And I’ve been told never to do that again
I didn’t even have a valid reason for why
My auntie is 20 minutes away from me
But I’d been telling myself stories:
I didn’t have time
I was too busy with work
I couldn’t justify an hour out
It was finally the length I wanted it to be after my turning 30 mental breakdown (not about being 30 I'll let you know, but I realised I wasn't happy so I started by changing my hair and ended by leaving my relationship.. ohhh memories)
When really it was just because I was being a bit lazy
I didn’t value it enough
But something as simple as not going for a hair cut is honestly just as bad as putting off your health and fitness goals
And I don’t mean dieting
But how many times have you said I don’t have time for the gym
Oh I’ll do it next week, I need to do x instead right now...
And before you know it it’s 8 months since you’ve had a proper workout or even gone for a decent walk
I want you to learn from me this week
Stop putting things off
Because the longer you put them off, the more work needs to be done later on
Get that workout scheduled in your diary
Commit to going just once
Book onto that class even
Add an extra serving of veg to your meals
Just do it
It all adds up, and if you start now you won't have to do as much
Future you will thank you for it
And if it’s anything like my hair chop, it’ll be painless and you’ll feel bloody fantastic after
Have a great weekend
Harriet xoxo
P.S I went HARD on the podcast eps this week so you have 2 topics and nearly an hour of me in your ears available
To listen to how to run diet/maintenance phases AND learn the difference between training for hypertrophy or strength, click here for Spotify and here for Apple
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